Lords & Knights - Sending Fakes

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Sending Fakes

Fake attacks are when you send 1, or only a few, troops to an enemy target to make them think you are attacking.

Fakes can be used to unnerve an enemy, provoke a retaliation attack, pull their defenses out of place, mask real attacks, or just harass them for shits and giggles.

Sometimes, you may be asked to send fakes. Either to specific targets at certain times or to varied targets all over. Alliances can use fakes from many members to spam enemies with so many attack reports that they cant know what to ignore and what to respond to.

You can time fakes to land together to simulate a silver attack, spread them out to keep the target from sending troops to defend a neighbor, or just ping castles to get the owners attention.

Universal Fake Attack- Each castle of an enemy target player has should receive at least 1 fake attack. This will put the Red Exclamation point on each of his castles. While this will not displace any enemy troops it will dramatically increase the amount of work involved in finding any real attacks. Working from a phone sorting through each of his castles turns our enemies greatest strength(his number of castles) into his greatest liability.

Traditional Fake-These targets are usually assigned and chosen for specific reasons(Strategy). Its left to each of us to make them more convincing. 5 ways to do this.

1. Spy the Fake Attack castle. There are only 2 techniques for spies.

1 copper spy- This is Cheap and The enemy may assume there was a 20k spy following behind. There's not and a smart enemy will know that. Combined with other intel gained by fakes could do as much damage to fake as good.

19,999 copper spy- The most efficient use of spies in a real attack is a 19,999 copper spy followed by a 2 copper spy. This allows you to continue to spy cheaply up until the attack lands. For the purpose of Fakes they can not be ignored by the enemy.

This is expensive but you can choose a castle you send copper from that is not taking part in actual attack.

It's a dance and you can't fall into a pattern when facing a smart enemy but for a new enemy Fake Attacks are best disguised by Real Spies(19,999k)

2. 101 attack (2 of them)

Send a 101 attack to land 1-2 hours before main fake attack and a 2nd to land *22 minutes before main fake attack. Even if target had initially correctly identified fake attack he will be prone to second guess himself at last minute. The 22 minute men should be sent late in attack process from closest castle using fast troops(archers work best).

*22minutes is the magic number.

3. Main Fake Attack

A. If there is an assigned time hit it. This is a team game and when several teammates have coordinated fake attacks landing in same area it adds to credibility.

B. If using lakatoo or other launch tool have as many castles hitting at assigned time as practical. If not using tool you should check into one, they are awesome.

C. Be sure to use Swords/Handcarts or ox carts for first several fakes. These are more likely to be back azimuthed by enemy and these units add credibility.

 D.Use offensive units as much as practical but if choosing between not using a castle and sending defensive unit becomes of time send defensive unit.

4. Support your Fake (Effective but High Risk)

****(BE CERTAIN not to weaken yourself past what YOU can DEFEND.)*****

Before you launch first fake attack you can send defensive support from a secure location at your fake target to land 2hours after your fake attack. Your enemy will not receive notice of this. When you launch first fake attack he will look and see he has not only an incoming attack but also incoming support. This initial impression will bias him to believe your fake is real.

****He will see number of support troops you are sending so it must be legit number of troops.1-2k defenders.

****He will know which castles of yours are light on defenders and you will be without them for some time.

 ****Only use if you will be available for IMMEDIATE Recall. Someone else might be attacking there.

5. Make it Rain-

All the players from the alliance send fakes or small number of units to many castles of a given enemy. Usually combined with Copper rain, this method is excellent to exhaust an enemy.