Lords & Knights - Attacking Guide

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Attacking Guide

We attack to conquer, to kill enemy troops, farm resources, and to capture castles. Here are some tips to consider when attacking.

Always use offensive troops only. Those are Swordsmen, Archers, and Lancers. Never send Spearmen, Crossbows, or Armored Horsemen (Scorpions) on an attack. The stats and performance for each troop type is different, use them wisely

Lancers are your most effective Attack unit, but they are also the most expensive and cost 2 Subjects instead of 1.

When sending attacks, keep your troops together. Send all Swords, Archers, and Lancers in one group. Separating them just makes it harder on you.

Check their speed, different units move at different speeds. Ox Carts are the slowest, Handcarts and Swordsmen are next. Archers move faster than Swords but much slower than Lancers. All troops in a march will move only as fast as the slowest unit.

If you miss a launch time you may be able to drop slower units and launch later on. If you can’t wait for a launch time, you may be able to add slower units to launch sooner.

All combat involving more than 100 troops on both sides takes place in battle rounds. Each round takes place 10 minutes after the last one. When one side has less than 100 troops, battles are at an end.

You can not lose more than half your total troops, rounded up, in any one battle round. The only exception is when you have less than 100 troops present, then you can lose them all.

Battles begin 10 minutes after the first troops arrive. Each subsequent battle takes place every ten minutes after that. You get a report for each of your castles involved in an attack for every round that takes place.

You can join an ongoing battle at any time. Arriving late, after a few rounds have passed, simply means your troops will only participate in the next battle round and those following.

⚠️When fighting in a fortress, the number of units necessary for one more round is 501⚠️

Silver from different castles will combine, as long as it lands within the time window. Make sure the combined total of silver sent is equal to the amount you need for your next capture, sending more or less is a waste.

Silver from different castles should arrive within the window between battle rounds. A smart defender can split your silver if you allow a battle to take place, so time silver sends together as much as possible.

Never go in blind. Always scout your target, sends Spies or Probes to verify troop numbers. Know if your target is active or inactive, and check how close support from allies will be.

🎯 BATTLE CALCULATORS can mean the difference between success and failure. Know what you are up against and check the calcs to be sure you can win.

* Combat Simulator

You need to know how long it takes from each one of your castles to the target in order to coordinate the arrival of your troops at the same time:

* Suppose you want to conquer a Target castle from three castles A, B and C.

- To know the Transport time, select the Target castle and press Attack, now simulate the attack (without executing it) from each of your castles, selecting 1 of the slowest units with which you are going to perform the attack. You will see the Transport time and Arrival time, note down the transport time.

- Always check that you have the number of troops enough, in each castle, to transport the needed silver. You can hand out the silver as you want, provided that the sum meets the total needed.

* Suppose it takes 2:15 from A, 3:30 from B and 1:00 from C and you want to send 1,500 silver from A, 1,000 from B and 500 from C.

- Now launch the attack from the farthest castle. With the arrival time to the target you get, calculate the time at you have to launch the attack from your other castles to arrive at the same time.

* If you launch the attack from B (the farthest) at 16:30, the arrival time will be 20:00, the next attack would be from A at 17:45 and the last from C at 19:00, in order to get the same arrival time for all of them (20:00).

- The battle begins 10 minutes after the arrival of the first troop to the Target castle, but come to battle all the troops that have arrive in those 10 minutes.

* The battle would start at 20:10, so if you launch an attack nine minutes later, all troops would enter also at 20:10. In the event that you launch from any castle nine minutes before either would be fine, because the arrival time would be 19:51 and all the troops would come together to battle at 20:01.

After the conquest, your troops will remain in the castle conquered as defending units, so Go to Units > Select the conquered castle > Defending units > Select the units you do not need > And click Send units back (Return units).

Offensive Units Types

There are three categories of offense and defense. They are:

1) Artillery

2) Infantry

3) Cavalry

The classic war system is very much paper, rock, scissors. Apply that here and it should read:

1) cavalry kills artillery,

2) artillery kills infantry,

3) and infantry kills cavalry

Now I say this should read this way, in reality this is not true, not exactly. In a heads up fight against one troop type vs the other this is very true. But nobody defends a keep with one troop type. The paper rock scissors in this game is played out as a whole, not individual units. What I mean by this is that your artillery defense value for a keep is the total sum of all artillery defense values for all 6 troop types. The same can be said for cavalry and infantry defense values. The attackers values are calculated the exactly the same way.

Why is this important? Why can't you just tell me what troops to put in my keep and be done with it? Bear with me friend, I am trying to teach you how to fish as opposed to just giving you a fish.

For all future references of numbers displayed as x/y/z:

X=Artillery defense points

Y= infantry defense points

Z= cavalry defense points

ARTILLERY UNITS: (weakest to lancers)

Xbow = 132/201/72 (all around great defense, most vulnerable to cavalry)

Archer= 21/46/15 (not that great at anything, better than nothing, meant as offensive unit)

Infantry units: (weakness to archers)

Spearman= 44/69/129 (best suited to kill those very expensive lancers)

Swordsman= 18/37/55 (not that great at anything, better than nothing, meant as offensive unit)

Cavalry units: (weakness to swordsmen)

Armored horsemen= 132/60/80 (best suited to kill archers)

Lancer horseman= 37/18/23 (not that great at anything, better than nothing, meant as offensive unit)

So we have identified the obvious defense unit candidates (spearman, xbows, and armored horsemen).


This is where many players send as many offensive troops as they can muster from as many castles as they can to a single target. The goal being to overwhelm enemy defences for the purpose of capture or destroying opposition.

It is advisable to designate a time to land troops that all attackers can make on time without complications such as sleep and work. Having this planned in advance is key to the success of coordinating attacks. A bit of planning can save loads of trouble later on.

Take a few minutes to calculate when you need to launch attacks for them to land on time. Record your launch times from each attacking castle and give yourself a reminder, such as your phone alarm.


These are attacks you use to slowly break down a static enemy's defences. Static enemies are castles like inactives, where you don’t expect additional support to be increasing troop counts. You can send smaller attacks to minimize casualties from Fortifications.

To do this, you send 110 troops to attack the target, then send 55 more offensive troops to replace losses every ten minutes thereafter. A good tip is to allow an additional 5 minutes before your first reinforcement. That will get your troops landing midway between each battle (10 minute span between battles).

This tactic works by maintaining more than 100 attacking troops in every subsequent battle. Having less than 100 troops will end the battles. The benefit being you can never lose more than half your troops in a single battle phase, sending 500 troops can cost you 250 in the first round. Sending only 110 attackers per round means you can only lose 55 troops max but still keep battles going.


Target is a heavily fortified inactive castle, you have troops but the target has high level forts preventing you from taking it in one shot. You send 110 troops to begin your trickle attack, they are set to land at 1pm. Wait 15 minutes and send 55 more troops to continue the attack, then 55 more every ten minutes.

1pm - Your 110 troops land

1:10 - first battle takes place, -55 troops

1:15 - first reinforcement lands, +55 troops

1:20 - second battle takes place, -55 troops

1:25 - second reinforcement lands, +55 troops

etc, etc.

Before the last battle, you can recall your last 55 troops so they aren’t sacrificed needlessly. They will do little to no damage if defenders still outnumber them.